High Quality Sound Meets Sharp Design with Cavalier Speakers from Best Buy Canada

Music is a universal language. Something everyone can enjoy and connect through. My taste in music is quite eclectic and I’ve always loved having different music serve as a sort of soundtrack to my life. At home, Justine and I…

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Home Inspired: Blanket Ladders

Our new house is slowly coming together! I’m taking my time to make sure each space is exactly what it needs to be. I’ve added a few smaller details already though, like this blanket ladder in our living room. I…

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Home Inspired: Black Marble

It’s no secret that I love dramatic contrast when it comes to interior design, or any design for that matter. And what’s more dramatic than black marble? Dark and textured with its contrasting white striations, black marble creates a sleek,…

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Home Inspired: Black Glass Window & Door Frames

The other day, I shared the image above on my instagram and received such a strong positive response from a number of you on that post. I’ve always had an interest in architecture, interior design and real estate, so I’ve…

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Discover and Save The Things You Love with Wantfolio

Inspiration is everywhere. I find that everywhere I look, my eyes are constantly capturing moments, moods, style… Then factor in everything that’s served to us online! There’s so much out there. Even if you photograph, video, or save it all, it’s…

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