What a decade it has been. When I look back over the past 10 years, I’m reminded of so many crazy times- the good, the bad, the crazy, amazing and fantastic. It has been a wild decade in my life and I’m so humbled to have had the privilege of experiencing it and also sharing almost all of it online with all of you. So for those of you newer to my blog, here’s a brief review of some of my favorite moments and accomplishments over the past decade! What are you proud of achieving this past decade? (Leave a comment below!)
2010: Graduated from Parsons School of Design in NYC. The start of a new decade and the beginning of my career. Excited, anxious, hopeful, driven. At the end of that year, I launched KENTON magazine and my blog alexanderliang.com in the New York fashion & media industry.
2011: Fueled with ambition, it was full speed ahead, working 24/7 to launch my business and personal brand. Networking, events and constant content creation.
2012: I made the decision to move back to Canada. After visiting Toronto and meeting a few new friends who would later become my close circle (Justine, Marcus, Sharad, Lance, Caitlin)
2013: Justine and I started dating!
2014: It was around this time that the fruits of my labor were starting to appear. My fashion week schedules were overflowing with appointments, invitations and front row seats at some of the best shows, rubbing shoulders with some of the industry’s most influential and literally back to back with Bill Cunningham!
2015: Justine and I adopted our dog, Sofia that year. And she brought more joy to our lives than we could’ve ever imagined.
2016: Travel, travel and more travel. This year was non-stop jet-setting. I set a goal of traveling for business at least once a month. From Malibu to Milan, Newfoundland to Rio de Janeiro. Los Cabos, New York and more in between. It was incredible!
2017: The business travel continued, taking me to even more amazing destinations, far and wide.
2018: Justine and I took a summer vacation to Europe and got engaged in Rome!
2019: Justine and I moved from our condo to a house, planned our wedding, got married and got our second dog, Wilhelmina! This past year has been one of the most crazy, transformative and changing times. Quite the culmination of things as we prepare to usher in a new decade.
I’ve always loved the roaring 1920s and I hope this next 20s era will be as exciting and glamorous as the last. Cheers to 2020! May your future be inspired, positive and bright!